What Does Mobile Home Insurance Cover?

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If you own a mobile home, you may have wondered how mobile home insurance differs from other forms of home insurance as well as what it may cover. After all, to protect yourself from possible losses, you’ll want to look for a comprehensive policy for your mobile home. Mobile or manufactured home insurance policies are relatively similar to standard policies for homeowners. Still, they are also unique enough that you’ll want to find a provider that specializes in covering mobile homes. Since manufactured home insurance policies are based on a home’s value—whether that means the cost of replacement, its stated value, or its actual cash value—you’ll want to shop around until you have found a policy that works best for your needs. Mobile home insurance generally covers two distinct types of damage:


Property Damage

Your mobile home is usually covered in the event of physical damage to the premises. This typically includes damage caused by hazards such as rain, hail, or fire. It is also generally covered in the event of deliberate damage by another party, such as vandalism or burglary. A policy will typically reimburse damage to any personal property you have on your mobile home’s lot. Mobile home insurance policies do not cover damage sustained while the home is transported.

However, it’s important to note that damage owing to lack of proper maintenance. This includes burst water pipes or leaking pipes, which are usually not covered by mobile home insurance policies. Flood-related damage is also generally not covered by these policies. Because of this you’ll want to purchase flood insurance separately if you live in an area vulnerable to heavy rains and flooding. When considering purchasing a mobile home insurance policy, make sure that you have first identified which types of property damage are not covered.

Personal Liability

As with most other home insurance policies, manufactured home insurance policies often cover personal liability for any damage you may cause to another person or their property. It’s important to remember that this does not apply to anyone who lives in your mobile home. This means your accidental cuts, scrapes, and falls will not be included in the policy. However, this will usually be covered if you are responsible for damage to someone else’s belongings.


Do you need comprehensive coverage for your mobile home or park model home? At National Mobile Home Insurance Company, they exclusively focus on making the best mobile, manufactured, and modular home insurance plans available to everyone. They offer many coverage options to find the one that works best for you. They understand that everyone’s needs differ, and they tailor our services to each client. If you’d like to get a manufactured home insurance quote, you can call or click today!

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