Types of manufactured home siding

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There are many options in siding for your manufactured home. We will go over some of the options and considerations when choosing what type of siding to install. Some people are looking to increase the curb appeal of their home while others are just after the practical advantages siding can provide. Below is a list of common siding options and the advantages and disadvantages they convey.

Some of the advantages of siding are common across all options. Siding will increase your home’s “R” value, or insulation rating. When you replace siding it is a good time to replace the vapor barrier, sheathing, backerboard, and insulation since this is easy with the siding removed. This will greatly increase the home’s energy efficiency. Good siding will also increase the longevity of the home as it will keep out moisture and decay. And siding can provide noise and wind protection as well as keep animals out. Certain siding choices can also provide fire resistance to your home.


  1. VinylVinyl siding is listed first because it is the most common selection. If you can afford it buy the thicker 54-gauge. It will last longer and be more resistant to damage.Advantages:
    • It is very durable and has low maintenance.
    • Once installed all you have to do is wash it off now and then.
    • It is one of the most cost-effective choices.
    • It is less likely to get scratched or dented.
    • It is very resistant to decay. Recycled vinyl is less so as it is full of filler and thus can crack from weathering more easily.
    • Nearly impervious to bugs, mildew, or fungus.
    • Readily available. Since it is the most popular choice it is easy to find if you need to replace sections.
    • Has an extremely long life.


    • Looks plastic.
    • It can warp in high-heat areas.
    • It can crack in extremely cold temperatures.
  2. WoodWood is great for the obvious reason that it looks good. There are many choices in wood with different advantages and disadvantages. Some common disadvantages of wood are that it can all rot, suffer water damage, and require a lot of maintenance. But if properly cared for wood can be a long-lasting choice.
      1. T1-11

    There are two grades of T1-11, OSB and plywood. OSB is lots of smaller pieces of wood glued together to form a panel. It is rough and difficult to stain or paint. But it is the cheaper option. Plywood is larger pieces of wood glued together to form sheets with grooves in them. This has a smoother finish and is easier to stain or paint.


        • Aesthetically pleasing.
        • Environmentally friendly compared to other options such as vinyl.
        • It is easy to install and shape to the home, so you can get a little fancy with it.
        • It will last a long time if properly maintained.


        • It is more expensive than other options.
        • It requires more maintenance, sealing, and painting.
        • It is flammable and thus provides less fire resistance than other choices.
      1. Cedar/Redwood

    Wood looks good and cedar looks great. Cedar is an excellent aesthetic choice. It comes in many patterns and is the best wood choice if you can afford it.


        • Extremely aesthetically pleasing.
        • Environmentally friendly.
        • Doesn’t require paint or stains.
        • Good in hot or cold climates.
        • Resistant to bugs, moisture, and decay.
        • It will weather to a natural patina.
        • It is long-lasting.


        • Very expensive
        • It is flammable like all wood.
      1. Pine/Spruce/Fir


        • Aesthetically pleasing.
        • Environmentally friendly.
        • Good in hot or cold climates.
        • It is long lasting if properly maintained.


      • It will have to be painted or stained to protect it.
      • Susceptible to bugs, moisture, and decay.
      • Somewhat expensive
      • It is flammable like all wood.


  • Faux StoneThis is a good option if you want something eye-catching and a bit unique. It can be a lot if the entire home is clad in faux stone so it is usually used for accents and aesthetic embellishment.Advantages:
    • Aesthetically pleasing, especially as accents. It can increase a home’s value.
    • Resistant to rot and insects.
    • Fire retardant.
    • Good energy efficiency.


    • Expensive.
    • Requires expert installation.
  • Fiber CementThis material is made from silica, wood fiber, cement, and other materials to form a strong solid with many desirable properties. It has a lot of the aesthetic appeal of wood but is more durable and requires less maintenance.Advantages:
    • Excellent protection from insects and mold.
    • Easy to paint and maintain while providing the look of wood.
    • Can easily be formed into any shape. Can be made to look like almost any other type of siding.
    • Long-lasting and durable.
    • Fire resistance.
    • Storm and weather resistant.


    • Heavy material. Difficult to install.
    • Must be painted regularly.
  • Metal SidingThis type of siding is very old school. Prior to vinyl siding, this was the most common material to clad manufactured homes in. It is lightweight, nearly indestructible, and resistant to all types of damage. Metal siding comes in all types of materials including aluminum, galvanized steel, coated steel, zinc, and even copper.Advantages:
    • Almost indestructible.
    • Lightweight and easy to install.
    • Extremely fire resistant.
    • Insect proof.


    • Can get scratched or dented.
    • Color fades over time.
    • Looks like metal. If the entire home is clad in it it is aesthetically less desirable.

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